How to Make an Android E-commerce Price Comparison App From Scratch

Mobile e-commerce includes a wide range of apps, from stand-alone shops to huge marketplaces. What about an app that helps users make more informed choices while shopping? We got one — check out how to make an Android price comparison application from scratch.

3 years ago   •   8 min read

By Yuriy Berdnikov
Table of contents

When someone says e-commerce app, what do you imagine? An online shop? A marketplace? A booking platform? Yes, all of the above are e-commerce apps. But e-commerce is not limited to these. For example, we came up with an idea of how to develop eCommerce app in Android that doesn’t sell anything but rather helps users with making informed choices.

Sounds interesting? Then, we can show how to create an eCommerce grocery price comparison app on Android. You might simply choose to check out our results and think (we hope so), “That’s pretty cool,” find out something new about creating an eCommerce application from scratch using Jetpack Compose, or maybe go all in and actually build an eCommerce app.

Pricey is an app that unities numerous shops to help users make a better choice when it comes to the price or freshness of the product.
Looking for a reliable mobile app development partner for your project? Drop us a line! Let's boost your business together.

Why create an Ecommerce app

Before we get down to business, let’s take some time to explore the world of mobile e-commerce and answer the question of why it is a great idea to create eCommerce app and, more precisely, make a price comparison app for online shopping.

These days people shop for groceries online more than ever before. There are many reasons for that — starting from the increasing convenience of the web and mobile shopping solutions and ending with the pandemic-related offline shopping restrictions. At some point, we got used to making purchases from our smartphones so much that the popularity of such solutions is only rising.

Take a look at some recent stats: mobile e-commerce sales in the United States reached 360 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. It is expected that this number will be as high as 710 billion U.S. dollars in 2025. Quite a rise, isn’t it?

It seems like there is no better time to create an e-commerce application than now — users have enough reasons to switch to an app and are already familiar with the convenience of it. That’s why today we will be building an eCommerce comparison app from scratch.

At some point, we got used to making purchases from our smartphones so much that the popularity of such solutions is only rising.

Pricey: an app for comparing prices

We love a good experiment here at Perpetio. While working on projects for clients, we always combine the set requirements and our professional vision. To develop this vision and constantly master our skills, we play around with pet projects and tutorials like this one.

Not so long ago, we came up with an idea to build an online price comparison app called Pricey. It is not your usual online market but rather an aggregator that unities numerous shops to help users make a better choice when it comes to the retail price or freshness of a product.


How to build an Android e-commerce app from scratch

Now that you know all about our Pricey app, let’s get started and develop an Android eCommerce price comparison app. By following this tutorial step by step, you can fully create an eCommerce price comparison app for Android on your own. We will also attach the link to the code, so you can peak on it when needed.

Setting up the project and creating the main page

To build a mobile eCommerce comparison app, we will be using Jetpack Compose, which is a tool for building native UIs. Let’s create a new project and choose ComposeActivity.

Next on, we will enter some information about our future app, like its name and location.

Our goal with this project is to demonstrate how to work with declarative UI, so we will be using a mock database to make things easier for ourselves. Our choice is DataProvider.

The database will include the following objects:

  • Store
  • StoreChain
  • FoodCategories
  • ProductArticle
  • Product

Like in many other projects, we are using MVVM architecture to build the app. We explained the perks of it here. Our architecture includes two ViewModels:

  • FilterViewModel (for setting up filters and product search)
  • BasketViewModel (for products in the basket)

All the pages of our app are composable functions, and MainActivity is a host for displaying those.

Here’s how to write the interface of our main page:

private fun AppUi(
    filterViewModel: FilterViewModel,
    basketViewModel: BasketViewModel,
    isDarkTheme: Boolean,
    onThemeChange: (isDarkTheme: Boolean) -> Unit,
) {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
    val backstackEntry = navController.currentBackStackEntryAsState()
    val currentPage = AppPage.fromRoute(backstackEntry.value?.destination?.route)

        bottomBar = {
                allPages = AppPage.values().toList(),
                currentPage = currentPage,
                onTabSelected = { page ->
                isDarkTheme = isDarkTheme,
                onThemeChange = onThemeChange
    ) { innerPadding ->
            filterViewModel = filterViewModel,
            basketViewModel = basketViewModel,
            navController = navController,
            modifier = Modifier.padding(innerPadding)

The bottom navigation panel

To create a bottom navigation panel, we described the BottomBar component and passed it the list of all the app’s pages defined in the AppPage.

enum class AppPage(
    val iconResId: Int? = null
) {
        iconResId = R.drawable.ic_home
        iconResId =R.drawable.ic_basket

Let’s take a look at the Navigation file. Here, we describe how to connect all the app’s pages and pass the required dependencies.

fun NavigationHost(
    filterViewModel: FilterViewModel,
    basketViewModel: BasketViewModel,
    navController: NavHostController,
    modifier: Modifier,
) {
        navController = navController,
        startDestination =,
        modifier = modifier
    ) {
            route =
        ) {...}
            route =
        ) {...}
            route =
        ) {...}
            route =
        ) {...}

The List Page

Now, moving on to the List Page. Here, users can view the list of items in a certain category and use search to look up a particular product.

fun searchOfProductArticles(
    partOfProductName: String,
    foodCategory: FoodCategory
): List<ProductArticle> {
    val result = mutableListOf<ProductArticle>()
    DataProvider.productArticles.forEach { article ->
        article.apply {
            if (this.foodCategory != foodCategory) return@apply
            if (!, true)) return@apply
    return result

Jetpack Compose uses a declarative approach, so when calling the Composable function, our interface gets updated right away. We don’t want to call the recomposition manually each time, so let’s ask the framework to do it. The mutableStateOf() method allows us to track the changes in the needed value and, when any change is noticed, update the interface.

    route =
) {
    var searchQuery by remember {
    var selectedCategory by remember {
    var productArticles by remember {
                searchQuery, selectedCategory

We are using the remember method for saving the current value state during recomposition.

The app opens the list of available stores after the user enters the product they are looking for.

Users can adjust the filters to find the best price for a particular product.

fun sortProducts(
    products: List<Product>,
    sortValue: SortValue,
    sortType: SortType
): List<Product> {
    val sortedList = products.toMutableList()
    when (sortValue) {
        SortValue.Price -> sortedList.sortBy { it.price }
        SortValue.Rating -> sortedList.sortBy { it.rating }
        SortValue.Expiration -> sortedList.sortBy { it.expirationDate }
    if (sortType == SortType.Descending) {
    return sortedList

The Filter and Comparison Pages

The Filter Page contains all the necessary tools for sorting products by price, rating, or expiration date.

After saving the filters, they will be applied to the list on the Comparison Page.

fun filterProducts(
    productArticle: ProductArticle,
    priceFilter: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>,
    ratingFilter: Int,
    expirationFilter: ExpirationPeriod
): List<Product> {
    val filteredList = mutableListOf<Product>()
    getProducts( { product ->
        product.apply {
            if (price < priceFilter.start) return@apply
            if (price > priceFilter.endInclusive) return@apply
            if (rating < ratingFilter) return@apply
            val days = DateManager.getDaysToDate(expirationDate)
            if (!expirationFilter.contains(days)) return@apply
    return filteredList

The Basket Page

After selecting the best suiting products and adding them to the basket, users can view all the items on the Basket Page.


To organize the list of products in the basket, we used the LazyColumns component (it is an alternative to RecyclerView in Compose).

private fun BasketList(
    basketList: List<BasketProduct>,
    onProductRemove: (BasketProduct) -> Unit
) {
        contentPadding = PaddingValues(
            horizontal = Dimen.Space.max
    ) {
        var store: Store? = null
        var products = mutableListOf<BasketProduct>()
                { },
                { }
        ).forEach { product ->
            if (store != {
                store?.let {
                        store = it,
                        products = products,
                        onProductRemove = onProductRemove,
                        scope = this
                    products = mutableListOf()
                store =
        store?.let {
                store = it,
                products = products,
                onProductRemove = onProductRemove,
                scope = this

LazyColumns has an incredibly flexible functionality, so it is easy to create embedded lists just like we need.

private fun storeItem(
    store: Store,
    products: List<BasketProduct>,
    onProductRemove: (BasketProduct) -> Unit,
    scope: LazyListScope
) {
    var total by mutableStateOf(getTotal(products))
    scope.apply {
        item {
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.padding(Dimen.Space.main))
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(Dimen.Space.main))
        products.forEach { product ->
            var basketAmount by mutableStateOf(product.basketAmount)
            item {
                    product = product,
                    basketAmount = basketAmount,
                    onAmountUpdate = { newAmount ->
                        total -= basketAmount * product.price
                        total += newAmount * product.price
                        basketAmount = newAmount
                        product.basketAmount = newAmount
                    onProductRemove = onProductRemove
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(Dimen.Space.main))
        item {
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.padding(Dimen.Space.main))

Changing the app’s theme

Before we finish to create an ecommerce price comparison app, a few words about changing the theme of the app. Each of us has preferences when it comes to using either light or dark themes on our phones. We are giving this choice to our users too so that they can easily switch between two themes.


All the elements in Jetpack Compose are using the MaterialTheme settings. So, for changing the color theme (light or dark) we just need to replace the color list.

fun PriceyTheme(
    isDarkTheme: Boolean,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val colors = if (isDarkTheme) {
    } else LightColorPalette

    val systemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()

        colors = colors,
        typography = Typography,
        shapes = Shapes,
        content = content

The final results

And that’s it! These are all the steps we took to create an e-commerce app for looking up products and choosing the best store to get them. As a result, we learned how to make an eCommerce app from scratch. Now, we can launch a mobile ecommerce comparison app that helps users with their inquiries in just a few taps.

Jetpack Compose is a great tool for creating vivid and clear UIs with no extra effort, which is exactly what we need to create an ecommerce app. You see for yourself how smooth and straightforward the process is. Page by page, you can follow our tutorial, test your skills with Jetpack Compose, and build eCommerce app from scratch too.

You can find the full project’s code on our GitHub.

Our Android engineers are up for new e-commerce (and not only) projects — let’s collaborate. Drop us a message at or on our website.


How much does it cost to make e-commerce app?

An eCommerce app development can cost anything between $20-40 000.

What makes up the cost of a retail app?

The price of an e-commerce app depends on the feature set, its complexity level, the number of screens, chosen platforms and tech stack, and other factors.

How to build an eCommerce app?

Building an eCommerce app is no trouble for an experienced developer. You can view the detailed instructions in this tutorial or collaborate with a dedicated team to get your app developed.

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