How to Monetize Your Fitness Blog with Spotnes

A personal fitness app is a great way to build your brand, show your expertise, and help your clients achieve their goals. But you know what’s even better? It’s also an excellent tool for monetizing your hard work. Let’s see how you can make money from your fitness blog with Spotnes.

4 years ago   •   4 min read

By Yuriy Berdnikov

Whether you run a personal fitness blog or promote your services on social media, you should create long-lasting relationships with your clients.

A personal fitness app is a great way to build your brand, show your expertise, and help your clients achieve their goals. But you know what’s even better? It’s also an excellent tool for monetizing your hard work. Let’s see how you can make money from your fitness blog with Spotnes.

Benefits of personal fitness apps

You may ask, “Why do I even need a fitness app if I can just interact with my subscribers on social media or through my blog?” True, but are you satisfied with the monetization through these channels?

There are many fitness blog monetization strategies out there, but a personal fitness app is an all-in-one tool for content management, interaction, and monetization. It helps you:

  • Be closer to your audience

The first thing people expect from a fitness app is personalization. You can reach a wider audience by creating personalized training programs for different levels and purposes.

  • Show your expertise

Be an influence for your clients and build trust by showing your expertise. You can create educational content, share daily exercise and nutrition tips, provide Q&A sessions, and schedule online consultations.

  • Form a community

Turn your app into a hub of support, friendship, and motivation. Connect people with similar goals, encourage them to share achievements, tips, and experiences with one another.

  • Monetize your content

You can monetize your fitness app by offering upgraded content, selling subscriptions, or running ads and sponsored posts.

And on top of all that, you receive an additional marketing tool that puts you ahead of your competitors.

Get your personal fitness app with Spotnes

Spotnes is a one-stop platform from Perpetio that gives fitness bloggers everything they need to interact with clients, create workout programs, and showcase their expertise.

Spotnes offers a list of features you can combine. They are fully customizable, so you can always enrich the app with additional functionality and integrations. The features include:

  • Workout program

Create personalized workout plans for different types of audiences. You can categorize your workouts by various filters (type, strength, focus, mobility, endurance, etc.) and provide demo videos for beginners.

  • Recipe section

Create nutrition programs for people with different preferences. You can include your own recipes with a list of ingredients and their nutritional values.

  • Community chat

Chats unite people. This is precisely what you need to build a strong community where people want to return to your app.

  • Lifestyle content

Create content that shows your personality and represents your lifestyle, hobbies, and daily activities. Become an example your clients want to follow.

  • Live video stream

You can stream live consultations, organize Q&A sessions, and broadcast workouts to build an emotional connection between you and your clients.

  • Calories calculator

This feature allows users to track their calories, log meals, and control their water intake.

  • Progress tracking

Provide users with graphics, charts, and tables so they can track their progress, log their workouts, and see their achievements.

These are the basic features, but you can always add more custom ones as you go. We recommend adding anything that engages users and generates monthly income. The list of additional features includes:

  • Gamification
  • Integrations with fitness wearables
  • Geolocation
  • Record tracking
  • In-app purchases

How Spotnes works

Creating your personal fitness app has never been so easy. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Pick your features and provide design requirements

Choose the features you’d like to add, and together, we will discuss the design and structure of your app.

  • Create unique content

Fill your app with engaging content: workout videos, short tutorials, photos, articles. If you need assistance in creating workout videos, we would love to help!

  • Promote your app

When everything is set and ready to go, promote your app in your community, and encourage clients to sign up.

Want more details? Check out our presentation.

How to monetize your content and boost your audience with Spotnes

You can get revenue from your fitness app and take it to a completely new level by introducing:

  • Subscriptions

Fill your application with highly-desired content and require a monthly or yearly fee for its access.

  • In-app purchases

You can make the bulk of your app content free and give users an opportunity to unlock additional features (bonus workouts, personalized nutrition tips, feedback, etc.) for an extra cost.

  • Ads

Another way to make money from your fitness app is to place ads. Just be sure these ads aren’t annoying or harmful but relevant to your target audience.

  • Affiliates

You can collaborate with influencers in the fitness industry and take a fee for promoting them on your app.

There are lots of ways to monetize your fitness blogging efforts. And when you do decide to go for a personal app, we hope it will be Perpetio’s Spotnes.

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